Ways to save money in this new year

So this year I am on a mission to save money in different ways. To see which way works with me better.

This first 52 week money challenge. You will just add what ever week it is of the week that amount to the savings totaling in 1378. This is going to be my primary goal to accomplish.


I would love to accomplish this 52 week challenge but I have to be a realistic with myself. So this will be for those who can afford to save more a monrh.


I want to save as much as I can. Being fresh out of school. I want to make sure I have an emergency fund and enough for my bills every month just in case I ever need it. So this year will be the year when I start getting financially stable and saving to me is the first step. It’s income tax time. So let’s all start the year off by saving for a better year. And you never know starting to save now may help when the holidays comes around.